Over the past few weeks I have been playing around with some basic coding in both python and ruby. Trying to make a decision between investing some of my own time between learning one of the above. As a caveat I would love to learn both but I don’t have the time and I’m not smart enough to learn both at once!

I decided that I want to try focus on python (In between assignments and work!)

The biggest decided factor for choosing python is that it’s biggest strength in integration and as a networking major I love the idea! It also excels in a wide array of tasks and is relatively back end focused.

An example of a site that heavily uses python;


I found that ruby was also interesting but it lacked the diversity that python offered, it does however have a large amount of pre-written code that can be easily and quickly added into to your programme, which is pretty neat for a web dev, to quickly build a site.

An example of a site that uses ruby;


In terms of community support, python wins hands down. Ruby does have a relatively sized community but they switch back and forth between ruby and rails.

So far however I have only completed basic hello world type python software applications. My opinion could change further down the line, but at current I am enjoying trying to figure out what is going on within those applications. All of which have been done through the site below.


Whilst I can see how this will be useful in general for infrastructure, especially with the emergence of cloud computing. But as of now I am still at a complete loss for a project, but I would love to integrate coding into infrastructure as I enjoyed coding during sdv601.