I have finally found an answer to coding a functional camera!!!

The credit for the code comes from


I actually followed the lab a few days ago and initially had gotten the camera to work. I had then carried on attempting to set up a network share on my desktop for the images to be saved too. Part of this was editing the start up file to run the script eight seconds after logging in. I hadn’t finished setting up the share when i went to bed. When I woke up the camera wasn’t functional anymore and it took me a while to realize that the program was actually running in the background, but because I haven’t made any changes to the initial save location part of the script, no files were being saved, despite the cameras red LED being on.

I was also trying to manually run the script because I couldn’t see anything working and it took me a while to click that I had set the script to auto run. Which because the camera was already in use was just throwing up errors that the camera couldn’t be called. Which at first made me think the camera hardware was broken!!

The next steps from here will be to setup a save location as the SD card on the raspberry pi will not be sufficient storage space and in the long term the location will be an S3 bucket.

I will also need to get into contact with Pip and discuss specifics on the camera functionality, as I believe I will not be able to set a maximum thresh hold effectively. Hopefully she will be happy with just a minimum thresh hold so that the camera wont be activated by anything smaller than her dog.